Save Time and Money with This Simple 4-Point Lot Maintenance Program

Parking lots take a lot of abuse, with heat, cold, water, chemicals, heavy traffic, and even seemingly harmless trash and debris all taking their toll over time. The resulting damage is unsightly at best and hazardous at worst, especially if these issues are not addressed early on. If left unchecked, the site’s exterior appearance quickly declines and safety is compromised.

A four-point planned lot maintenance program will prolong the useful life of a parking lot surface and ensure that your site remains up to brand standards by catching some issues early and preventing others before they start. This proactive approach is arguably more efficient and economical than waiting until substantial repairs become urgent.

1.Inspect at Regular Intervals

Following this simple step may save thousands of dollars in repair expenses. You don’t have to be a pavement expert to perform simple visual parking lot inspections, although the experts at Cherry Logistics can provide guidance in this respect. The objective of regular walk-through inspections is to spot trouble — or potential trouble — as early as possible, as well as to keep managers and other responsible individuals aware of current conditions on the site.

2.Keep It Clean

Trash and debris can collect around drains, causing water to pool on the lot surface. Salt and other chemicals can also be trapped and held against concrete surfaces, such as curbs and gutters, causing cracking and premature deterioration. Stray material on the lot may cause slip and trip hazards. These issues can be avoided by scheduling parking lot sweeping and portering services at regular intervals. A clean parking lot makes a better first (and last) impression on customers, provides a safer surface for pedestrians, and ultimately helps paved surfaces last longer.

3.Fix the Small Stuff

Many large-scale parking lot repairs are the result of small-scale problems that went ignored. In terms of dollars and cents, minor potholes cost less to repair than do the large crater-like holes that develop from them. Additionally, any opportunity for water to find its way beneath a paved surface is an opportunity for damage to develop. This is why repairing small breaks in the lot surface is critical to prolonging pavement life. express shipping

4.Take Preventive Measures

There are many benefits to be gained from maintaining the integrity of the parking lot surface. Keeping the lot surface smooth, whole and pristine will help prevent many problems from beginning, in addition to preserving a like-new appearance for relatively little expense. All cracks, whether along seams or from traffic-induced fatigue, should be filled and all potholes either filled or removed and replaced prior to sealing the lot’s surface. Sealcoating the pavement prevents erosion of the top layer and restores a uniform color and appearance. Once sealed, restriping can be completed. The end result is a clean parking surface with a professional appearance.

At the inevitable end of the pavement lifecycle, complete excavation and replacement becomes necessary. In order to prolong the life of the existing lot, pavement resurfacing (overlay) may be a viable, cost-effective option. Again, the experts at Cherry Logistics can provide meaningful assistance in exploring the available options.

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