Consider Loft Bed with Stairs Than Bunk Bed

The loft beds are one amazing addition to any room that has very limited space. Unlike the bunk bed, loft bed is known as raised bed that provides some free space below it; this place can be used for adding a desk, some storage furniture, or used for making the play area for your child.

When selecting the loft bed with stairs singapore for your kid’s room, there’re some important factors that you should keep in your mind. First thing that you must check is the material that you prefer. The wooden loft beds generally blend easily with the décor, and are also very simple to find the design that you like. You have an option of selecting the bed with stairs.

Suppose functionality is your top priority, you may opt for the loft bed with extra storage in a form of shelves, drawers, and cabinets, on the sides. You may also add the separate tables and select the loft bed with stairs attached to and paired with the kid’s chair.

Loft beds offer extra space

Storage space below the loft bed is a popular feature that many parents love to have with the bed. Suppose you do not need workspace, you may always put extra square footage for good use just by storing shoes, bins, and even clothes there. Extra storage space can prove very valuable in the child’s room. You can utilize this to hold various stuffs like toy boxes and dresser. Select the loft bed that has shelves and drawers in case you want to have more storage.

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